Extra Mile Challenge is Underway

UD Trucks

UD Trucks Australia is excited to announce the launch of the 2020 Extra Mile Challenge. The Extra Mile Challenge is a driver-skill based competition that tests drivers across several key areas, and aims to demonstrate how improvements in driver behaviour can translate to safer driving, improved fuel consumption and reduced wear and tear on vehicles.

The local Australian competition has been launched with drivers hand-picked by UD Trucks’ customers to compete in the challenge. 12 drivers from three UD Trucks dealerships are participating across Australia; with VCV Sydney Prestons, SCT Adelaide, and CMV Truck & Bus Dandenong supporting their competing drivers through dedicated dealership Fuel Watch Managers. The competition will be running over the course of the next two months.

The local Australian competition has been launched with drivers hand-picked by UD Trucks’ customers to compete in the challenge. 12 drivers from three UD Trucks dealerships are participating across Australia; with VCV Sydney Prestons, SCT Adelaide, and CMV Truck & Bus Dandenong supporting their competing drivers through dedicated dealership Fuel Watch Managers. The competition will be running over the course of the next two months.

Once a champion has been crowned, they will go on to compete at UD Trucks’ global headquarters in Ageo, Japan, for the prize of being named ‘2020 Extra Mile Challenge Global Champion’.

Drivers will be monitored through the course of the competition via the truck’s telematics system. The winner will not be determined by achieving a quantifiable figure, but rather by the most improved (highest positive percentage change) driver score across the length of the competition. The change in their performance is measured on a base score developed over 1 week of drive time prior to the competition beginning. To qualify for victory, the driver must complete a minimum of 180 hours or 15 hours a week of driving time.

With close contact and correspondence with Fuel Watch Managers, UD Trucks Australia believes that the most improved drivers over the course of the competition will in fact be the best drivers. The advice offered to drivers will be invaluable not only in their endeavour to be crowned Extra Mile Challenge Champion, but also in their driving beyond the competition.

Each driving team partaking in the challenge will go through checkpoints at numerous intervals, where they will be updated on their progress, and given feedback and tips for improvement by their dealership Fuel Watch Manager.

“The new Quon in its EU6 configuration has proven to be a very fuel efficient truck right from launch. With the guidance and input from our dedicated Fuel Watch Managers, our customers will be able to realise even greater results across fuel and driver efficiency and safety,” said Mark Strambi, VP of Sales UD Trucks Australia.

The Extra Mile Challenge is run by UD Trucks International and supported by markets around the world, including Australia, challenging drivers in the local qualifying rounds to continuously improve their performance in four key areas: Anticipation and Braking, Engine and Gear Utilisation, Speed Adaptation, and Standstill.

Once the winners ascend on Ageo in April 2020, the metrics for victory change slightly, with the four key areas reduced to three; focusing on Pre-drive Inspection, Fuel Efficient and Safe Driving, and Manoeuvring and Parking Skills. The most successful driver across all categories will be crowned UD’s Ultimate Driver for 2020.

UD Trucks is committed to growing and developing drivers as a part of their dedication to customers, and sees the Extra Mile Challenge as an opportunity for continuous improvement.

Volvo Group Strategic Communications & Public Relations Manager,

Philippa Stewart


0428 112 864