![]() | ESCOT-Ⅵ’s gear change is really exquisite. On a trial ride with a virtual load, I was even wondering “Am I really carrying a 10-ton load?”. Whether it is the transmission, or the new brakes, all respond perfectly to the driver’s will, and can’t be qualified by a word less than “wonderful”. Our Quons are currently manual, but after discovering its level of performance, I think we need to seriously consider acquiring automatic new Quons. Atsushi Miyazaki, Senior Executive Officer, Kyoshin Construction Transport Ltd. |


新設計的儀表板上裝有易於理解的駕駛信息和LED指示燈。 訊息欄會根據警告的優先排列,並將重要的訊息顯示於頂部。大型5英寸彩色LCD多功能顯示器於儀表板的中央,令車輛的即時訊息一目了然。
1. 易於閱讀的大字體,簡單易明的圖案與行車資訊多功能顯視屏,多種功能可在方向盤上直接控制
2. 雙圓標板配以銀色外框,易於了解行車狀態
3. 副顯示屏,顯視基礎行車資訊
4. 定速巡航資訊
5. 波段訊息
6. 煞車輔助訊息
我們使用光滑的黑色和銀色設計的儀表板,巧妙地融合直線和曲線的設計,亦提供了將多功能顯示器,開關按鈕,設備和儀器設計完美結合的佈局。所有按鈕在夜間會自動點亮,以便可快速找到開關按鈕 ,這些設計均增強了駕駛員的操作性和可視性。

所有Quon型號均配備全碟式制動器,在煞車時提供迅速及平穩的踏板反應,確保滿載貨物的情況下,亦能達到最佳制動力度。 通過結合先進的UD引擎制動系統,大幅減低了駕駛員的行車壓力和疲勞感,確保行車與貨物安全。
![]() | To me, the new gear lever adopting a straight shift pattern and the switches arranged on the steering wheel are a big factor leading to the ease of operation of the new Quon. In the test drive this time, the “brake blending” perfectly blended the auxiliary brake with the foot brake, and I was able to experience stable and reliable ideal braking. I’d like our drivers to also experience this exquisite effectiveness. Shinji Mitsuyama, Senior Executive Officer, Charters Company Co.,Ltd |